PHP Loops
PHP Tutorial

PHP Loops


Loop is a sequence of instructions continuously repeated depending on the boolean condition. If we want to execute our statement repeatedly, we can implement loop techniques and put statements execution according to the boolean condition.

PHP Loop Types

While Loop

For Loop

Do While

PHP While Loop

While loop is the most accessible loop to implement re-execution statements continuously while the pre-specified condition is true. Loop depends on three major steps one initialization of the counter and second condition and the last one increment or decrement counter for testing condition.

Syntax of While Loop

       while (condition)



              Increment or Decrement;


Example of While Loop


// Example of while loop by

// repeat continuously until counter becomes 10

// output: ‘xxxxxxxxx’

$counter = 1;

       while ($counter < 10)


              echo ‘x’;




while loop in php

PHP For Loop

For loop used to re-execute coding block on specified steps that we are aware of it. It executes the coding block on specified steps.

PHP For Loop Syntax

       for ( Counter Initialization; Condition ; Increment/decrement )



              Increment or Decrement;


PHP For Loop Example


// Example by

// Table Printing of given no to $num variable

// output: ‘2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 ‘

$num = 2;

       for ($counter=1;$counter<=10;$counter++)



              echo “$table <br/>”;



For loop in PHP

PHP Do While Loop

Do while loop is so different from for or while loop. It executes statements at least once, and then repeatedly executes the code block or not depending on the boolean condition.

PHP Do While Loop Syntax




       Increment or Decrement;



PHP Do While Loop Example


// Example by

// repeat continuously until counter becomes 10

// output: ‘xxxxxxxxx’

$counter = 1;



              echo ‘x’;



       while ($counter < 10);




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