How to draw different shapes in C programming?

Using Graphics, we can draw geometric figures like circles, lines, ellipses, bars, etc. In this, we set the coordinates like leftt,top, right,bottomm.Graphics.h library is used for graphics (initgraph method).   C program to draw shapes using graphics #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int gdd = DETECT,gmm,leftt=100,topp=100,rightt=200,bottomm=200,xx= 300,yy=150,radiuss=50; initgraph(&gdd, &gmm, “C:\\TC\\BGI”);//initialization of graphics rectangle(leftt, topp, rightt, bottomm); circle(xx, yy, … Read more


The structure of a C program is typically organized into several parts. Here’s an outline of the key components of a basic C program: 1.Preprocessor Directives These are instructions to the C preprocessor. They usually include library imports or macro definitions and start with #. Common examples: #include <stdio.h>  // For input/output functions #include <stdlib.h> … Read more

Pointer to Array in C

The array is also called a constant pointer. This pointer points to the first element of the array. Whenever you create an array, this pointer is automatically created. So, if you assign an array name to a pointer variable, then there is no need to use an address of the (&) operator before the name … Read more

Functions in C

Functions in C

In C programming language, a function is a self-contained block of code that performs a specific task. Functions are used to break down a program into smaller, manageable pieces(chunks), making the code more modular(small parts), reusable(code reusable), and easier to understand and maintain. C functions have the following components: Function Declaration: It specifies the function’s … Read more

Operators in C

Operators in C

The symbols which are used to perform Arithmetic (mathematical), logical and relational operations in a C language are called C operators. Types of Operators and Examples. Operator consists of the following types: Arithmetic Operators in C: the addition is denoted by a + sign. We use addition to add two variables.subtraction is denoted by a – signmultiplication is … Read more


Variables and Constants in C

In C programming language, a constant is an identifier that contains a specific value The value cannot be altered during normal c program execution as the value is constant.Exampleconst float PI = 3.1415927; // (Pi is a constant) for(int i=0;i<10,i++) // i is a variable Floating-point constants Floating point constants in C programming are the type of numeric constants … Read more

C Data Types

C Data Types

In C programming, data types specify an extensive system used for declaring variables(like int a) or functions(void fun1()) of different types. The C data type of a variable determines how much space it occupies in memory and how the bit pattern stored in memory will be understood by the processor.Various arithmetic datatypes and functional data types available in the … Read more

Storage Classes in C

Storage Classes in C

Storage classes in a C Programming Language are classified into four main types according to the storage area and their behavior, in this c programming tutorial we use these storage classes in many programs:- Automatic storage class: Automatic storage class variables in C Programming Language will be created and destroyed automatically. In the Automatic storage class, variables are stored … Read more

String Constants vs Char Arrays in C

String Constants vs Char Arrays in C

A string constant is a series of characters(array of characters or group of characters) enclosed with double quotes(like “GOOD “). A string constant is a one-dimensional (str11[]) array of characters. A character constant is a character enclosed in single quotes. (like ‘G ‘). Each character in a string takes only 1 byte. String and Character … Read more