Storage Classes in C
C Programming

Storage Classes in C


Storage classes in a C Programming Language are classified into four main types according to the storage area and their behavior, in this c programming tutorial we use these storage classes in many programs:-

  1. Automatic storage class
  2. Static storage class
  3. Register
  4. Extern

Automatic storage class:

Automatic storage class variables in C Programming Language will be created and destroyed automatically. In the Automatic storage class, variables are stored in the stack area of the data segment or processor register.

Storage Memory
Scope Local / Block Scope
Lifetime Exists as long as Control remains in the block

Static storage class:

Static storage class variables in c language will only exist once and throughout the c program, this storage variable will be always active. Static storage class variables are stored in a static area of a data segment.
In C programming, there are four types of scopes available such as

  1. Body scope
  2. Function scope
  3. Program scope
  4. File scope

Static Storage Class:

The value of the static variable lingers until the execution of the whole c program. A static variable can be declared using a static keyword as shown below:


static int i;


#include <stdio.h>

void Check();   //prototype

void main()


Check();   //function calling

Check();  //function calling

Check();   //function calling



void Check(){

static int c=0;




Static storage class in C programming

Register storage class:

The keyword ‘register’ in C programming language is used to define a local variable.
register int count;



void main()


int num1,num2;

register int sum;

printf(“\nEnter the Number 1 : “);


printf(“\nEnter the Number 2 : “);


sum = num1 + num2;

printf(“\nSum of Numbers : %d”,sum);



Register Storage class in C programming

Extern: Global variable



void f1();

extern int i=10; //global variable

void main()



printf(“inside main=%d”,i);




void f1()


printf(“\noutside main method=%d”,i);


Extern storage class in c programming

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