Factorial Program in Java
Java Programming

Factorial Program in Java


Factorial number definition:

Factorial of n number is the product(*) of all positive integer(1*2*3*4*5)

Denoted :

5! Means 5*4*3*3*1=120 here 51 means 5 factorial

3! Means 3*2*1=6 here 3! Means 3 factorial

It is very interesting to note that the program with one type of loop can be converted to another program

While, a do-while, for loop to produce the same result.

To find the factorial of a given number with for loop

class factloop1


public static void main(String aa[])


int a;

int n=10;

double fact;






System.out.println(“factorial no=”+fact);


Factorial using for loop

To find the factorial of a given number with a do-while loop

class factloop2


public static void main(String aa[])


int a;

int n=10;

double fact;












Factorial using do-while loop

Factorial of a number with a while loop

class factloop3


public static void main(String aa[])


int a;

int n=10;

double fact;











Factorial using while loop

In the above examples, we use different loops like while,do-while, for loop

For loop is used to repeat one or more than one statement a specified number of times.

The while evaluates test expression before entering further into the loop

The do-while loop is different from the while loop in this the loop is evaluated first and thereafter evaluates the test expression.

Factorial  in Java using Scanner

import java.util.Scanner;  //this package is used for scanner function

 class Factorialscanner


   public static void main(String arxc[])


      int n, c, fact = 1;

     System.out.println(“Enter an integer to calculate it’s factorial”);

      Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

     n = in.nextInt();

      if ( n < 0 )

         System.out.println(“Number should be non-negative.”);



         for ( c = 1 ; c <= n ; c++ )

            fact = fact*c;

System.out.println(“Factorial of “+n+” is = “+fact);




Factorial using Scanner Class

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