Add Border to JPanel
Java Programming

Add  Border to  JPanel


Borders are basically margined around the edges of a Swing component. Borders are useful for providing titles and empty spaces around components. The setBorder() is used to put a border around a component.

Borders in JPanel Example

import java.awt.*;

import javax.swing.*;

import javax.swing.border.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

public class VariousBorders extends JPanel


Border border;

JButton butn;

public VariousBorders()


setLayout(new GridLayout(2,3,5,5));

butn=new JButton(“Empty Border”);

//create a button with an empty border

border=new EmptyBorder(1,1,1,1);//top=1,left=1,bottom=1,right=1


add(butn);//add button to the panel

//create a button with raised and etched border

butn=new JButton(“Etched and Raised Border”);

border=new EtchedBorder(EtchedBorder.RAISED);//set the border(raised&etched)



//create a button with color and etched border

butn=new JButton(“Etched and Color Border”);


border=new BevelBorder(EtchedBorder.RAISED,,;//highlight and shadow


add(butn);//add button to the panel

//create a button with a bevel border raised

butn=new JButton(“Bevel Lowered”);

border=new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED);//set the border(bevel)



//create a button with a bevel border lowered

butn=new JButton(“Etched and Lowered Border”);

Icon icon=new ImageIcon(“aa.gif”);

//create a button with a specified inset

border=new MatteBorder(50,20,50,20,icon);//top,left,bottom,right



//create a button with a matte border

butn=new JButton(“Matte Border”);

//highlight and shadow

border=new BevelBorder(EtchedBorder.LOWERED,Color.gray,Color.yellow);




public static void main(String aa[])


//calls the VariousBorders constructor

VariousBorders varBrds=new VariousBorders();

JFrame frame=new JFrame(“Different Borders Layout in Swing”);//set the text on the frame


//pack()is used to compress the pane with respect to the components placed


//display the frame




Borders in JPanel


The package javax.swing.border contains a list of classes for practical borders.

Empty Border—used to draw the transparent margin without any associative drawing.

Etched Border—border either produces an etched-in or etched-out effect for a component.

Matte Border—The matte pattern is created by either a solid color or a titled icon.

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