Strings in C

Strings in C are the collection of characters. Strings are also known as an “Array of Characters”.
Strings in C is a one-dimensional array.
Strings in C are ended by the “NULL” (‘\0’) character.

An array of Characters in C

Strings are written in double quotes (“Xcnotes”) while the character is written inside a single quote (‘X’).
In C programming, strings are not used as a data types (like char(for character), float(for decimal value like 6.78) , double(for decimal like 6.789), int(for integer value like 5,7) etc.).

Declaration of Strings in C

Strings are declared like an array(char your_name[20]) if you do not know what the arrays are? Then, first, you should read the arrays(User define, Non-primitive data type).

What is Array in C?

1. char str[5];

If we write char as “str[5]” then 5 bytes of memory are reserved for ‘str’.

2. char str[ ];

If we write char as “str[ ]” then the memory is allocated at the time of the program’s execution.

Initialization of Strings in C

Strings in C can be initialized in many ways,

Way 1

char str[8] = “Xcnotes”;


char str[ ] = “Xcnotes”;

In the above initialization, NULL (‘\0’) character is automatically inserted at the end of the string.

Way 2

char str[8] = {‘X’, ‘C’, ‘N’, ‘O’, ‘T’, ‘E’, ‘S’, ‘\0’};


char str[ ] =  {‘X’, ‘C’, ‘N’, ‘O’, ‘T’, ‘E’, ‘S’, ‘\0’};

Representation of String

Representation of string in a one-dimensional form

Representation of string in a one-dimensional form

A string variable ‘str’ always holds the base address of a character array. It is also known as internal pointers.

C program in which a string is declared and printed.(String in C Example)

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    char str[8]=”Program”;

    char str1[8] = {‘P’,’r’,’o’,’g’,’r’,’a’,’m’,’\0′};

    printf (“String Literal is : %s\n”, str);

    printf (“Character array is :%s\n”, str1);

    return 0;


String in C

Read String from the user in C

‘Scanf’ function is used to read strings in C from the user.

‘Scanf’ function reads strings continuously until whitespace occurs. 


#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    char str[10];

    printf (“Enter String”);

    scanf (“%s”, str);

    printf (“String is %s\n”, str);

    return 0;


Read String from user

If whitespace is given in the input then scanf will read the string coming from the first whitespace. You can read this in the given program below,

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    char str[30];

    printf (“Enter String”);

    scanf (“%s”, str);

    printf (“String is %s\n”, str);

    return 0;


If you want to read strings given with whitespace, then use the gets ( ) function and this function is available in ‘stdio.h’ header file.

C program gets() and puts() function

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    char str[30];

    printf (“Enter String\n”);

    gets (str);

    printf (“string is %s \n”, str);

    return 0;


gets() in C

puts( ) function is used to print the output on the screen.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <conio.h>

int main()


    char str[10];

    printf (“Enter string\n\t”);



    return 0;


puts() in C

Library String Functions in C with Example

‘String.h’ header file consists of lots of library function like, strlen( ), strcpy( ), strcmp( ), strcat(), strrev( ) etc.

strlenUse for Find the length of the String(xcnotes (6 lengths)
strcatAppends 2 strings(Concat 2 strings)
strcpyCopy the string
strcmpCompare 2 strings
strrevReverse the string(SETONCX)
struprConvert string into Upper case(XCNOTES)
strlwrConvert the string into Lower case(xcnotes)
library String Functions in C

Strlen() function in C

Strlen ( ): This function calculates the length of string excluding null (‘\0’) character.


Strlen (Name_of_string);

Program to calculate the length of the Strings in C

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main()


    int length;

    char str[]=”XCNOTES”;

    length = strlen(str);

    printf (“Length of string is = %d\n”,length);

    return 0;



The length of the string is 7

Strlen() in C

Strcat() Function in C

Strcat( ): This function connects two strings together.


strcat (string1, string2);

Program to concatenates two strings in C.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main()


    char str1[]=”Xcnotes”;

    char str2[]=”.co”;


    printf(“Concatenate string is %s”, str1);

    return 0;



Concatenate String is

strcat() in C

Strcmp() function in C

strcmp ( ): This function compares two strings. If the two strings are equal then it returns 0 otherwise it returns 1.


strcmp (string1, string2);

When string1 is greater than string2, then it returns 1.

When string1 is less than string2, then it returns -1.

If string1 and string2 both are equal then strcmp ( ) function returns zero.

Program to compare two strings in C.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main()


    char str1[]=”come”;

    char str2[]=”Welcome”;

    int w,x,y,z;

    w = strcmp(str1, “come”);

    x = strcmp(str1, “Welcome”);

    y = strcmp(str1,”f”);

    z = strcmp(str1,”feel”);

    printf (“w=%d\n x=%d\n y=%d\n z=%d\n”, w,x,y,z);

    return 0;}


strcmp() in C

strcpy() function in C

Strcpy( ): This function moves or copies the content of one string into another string.


strcpy (string1, string2);

Program to copy the content of one string to another string in C.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main()


    char str1[] = “DIGITAL”;

    char str2[] = “INDIA”;


    printf(“Final String = %s\n”, str1);

    return 0;



Final string = INDIA

strcpy() in C

Note: If the length of the destination string is less than the source string then the source string is not copied into the destination string.

Strchr() Function in C

strchr ( ): This function helps you to find the first occurrence of the desired character in a string.


strchr ( string, i);

Program to find the desired character in a string.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main()


    char str[]=”The C programming languages”;

    char *ptr;

    ptr = strchr (str,’m’);

    printf (“String in which first character  is occur = %s\n”, ptr);

    return 0;



String in which the first character is occurring =mming languages

strchr() in C

Strrchr()function in C

Strrchr ( ): This function tells about the last occurrence of the desired character in a string.


strrchr(Name_of_string, ‘Desired Character);

Program to find out the last occurrence of the desired character in a string.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main()


    char str[]=”The C programming language”;

    char *ptr;

    ptr = strrchr(str,’i’);

    printf (“The Last occurence of character in a string = %s\n”, ptr);

    return 0;



The last occurrence of the character in a string = ing language

strrchr() in C

Strstr() function in C

Strstr ( ): With the help of this function we can find the desired string in the given string.


strstr(Name_of_string, “desired string”);

C Program to find the desired string in given string.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main()


    char str[]=”the c programming language”;

    char *ptr;

    ptr = strstr (str, “programming”);

    printf (“First occurrence of string is =%s\n”, ptr);

    return 0;



The first occurrence of the string is = programming language.

strstr() in C

Strlwr() function in C

Strlwr ( ): This function converts a given string into lower case.


strlwr (string);

C program to convert the string in to lower case.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main()


    char str[]=”MANGO SEASON IS BACK”;


    return 0;



mango season is back

strlwr() in C

strupr() function in C

Strupr ( ): This function converts the string into upper case.


strupr (Name_of_string);

C program to convert a string into uppercase.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main()


    char str[]=”delhi”;

    printf (“%s\n”,strupr(str));

    return 0;




strupr() in C

Strrev() function in C

Strrev( ): This function reverses the given string.



C program reverse the given string.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main()


    char str[]=”Mumbai”;


    return 0;




strrev() in C

strtok() function in C

strtok ( ): This function breaks the string using a delimiter.



C program in which a string is broken into substring.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <string.h>

int main()


    char str[]=”Hello:World:Hello:Hi:Meet:them”;

    char *ptr;




    printf (“%s\n”,ptr);

    ptr=strtok(NULL, “:”);


    return 0;


strtok() in C








Passing strings to function in C

Strings in C is also called the character of the array. Strings pass in a function is similar the way the array is passed.

#include <stdio.h>

//Declaration of print function

void print_string(char str[]);

int main()


    char str[]=”string”;

    print_string(str);  //Calling print function


//Definition of print function

void print_string(char str[])




String to Function in C



Pointers and Character Strings in C

We understand the Pointers and strings with the help of a programming example.

Pointers in C

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    char *name=”Shona”;

    int length=0;

    char *ptr=name;

    while (*ptr!=0)





    printf (“\n length of the string = %d\n”,length);

    return 0;



length of the string = 5

Pointer and Stirng in C