How to reverse a Linked list ?

  Reversing a Linked list is a useful operation in which we change next to prev, prev to current, and current to next.   /* Program of reverse linked list*/ # include <stdio.h> # include <malloc.h> struct nod { int info; struct nod *liink; }*strt; main() { int i,n,item; strt=NULL; printf(“How many nods you want … Read more

What is Shell Sort in Data Structure with Example?

  What is Shell Sort in Data Structure? Shell sort is one of the oldest sorting(ascending order) algorithms named after its inventor Donald L. Shell (1959). Shell Sort is a sorting algorithm that is an improved version of Insertion Sort. It works by comparing and exchanging elements that are far apart, progressively reducing the gap between … Read more

What is Recursion in Data Structure?

Introduction to Recursion in C Data Structures Recursion in data structure is a process where a function calls itself to solve smaller instances of the same problem until it reaches a base case, which stops the recursion. It is a fundamental concept used in programming and data structures to solve complex problems in a simpler, … Read more

What is the algorithm of Queue in C data structure?

  Queue Operations are…… 1·         Enqueue—Add an item(new item in the backside) to the end of the queue. 2·         Dequeue—Remove an item from the front. 3·         Queue Front—Who is first? 4·         Queueu End—Who is last? What is the Queue algorithm in the C data structure? 1)Storage for a queue….. Struct intqueue { int *queueAry; int maxSize; int countt; int … Read more

Circular Linked List

Circular Linked List

A circular linked list is a type of linked list where the last node of the list points back to the first node instead of having a null pointer. In other words, the next pointer of the last node in the list points to the head of the list, creating a circular structure. Circularly linked … Read more

Bubble Sort in C

Bubble Sort in C

Bubble sorting is the most popular sorting technique because it is very simple to understand and implement. The algorithm achieves its name from the fact that with each iteration the largest value moves like a bubble to the top of the array. The bubble sort method is not efficient for large arrays. Bubble Sort Algorithm … Read more