The C Programming language is more than 40 years of old. It got its name because it was influenced by a now almost forgotten programming language called B(which was in turn derived from BCPL) C has gone on to spawn a lot other languages, utilized for both general and niche purposes.C itself, though, has never gone out of style. The TIOBE Community one indicator of programming language popularity has its placed at #1.
Application of the C Programming Language
What is C utilized for? Loads of things. The first objective was writing an operating system(Like Windows,. C has written more than one its time.It is known as a highly portable programming language. A number of other languages rely in part on it.. It has often been utilized to write compilers, libraries, and interpreters for different languages. A high level programming language is in a sense a program it has to be translated into a lower level programming language. Here C comes in handy.
C programming is utilized in many different industries. It is a popular language for embedded software. There are various reasons: the availability of compilers as well as the performance of the language itself other industry one that offers a seeming contrast is video games. This is largely the territory of C & related programming language C++. One of the issues here is speed.
C development started in 1969, however it wasn’t till a few years later that we can really say it was born. An article by Dennis Ritchie( posted on the Bell website) includes the humorous comment that was turned into C programming language in the year 1971 to 1973. The history of the C programming language is closely tied to the history of the UNIX operating system. Both grew from failed attempt of Bell Labs to make a Multics system. Ritchie was one of the main C makers. He builton work by Ken Thompson. Thompson and Ritchie continued to create contributions for several more years, however other early contributors also played a large role.
In 1973, C was utilized to rewrite the UNIX core. For approximately a decennary it was primarily a Unix programming language.
Before C was officially standardized a book served as mention. The first official standard came through the (ANSI)American National Standards Institute. After the(ISO) International Organization for Standardization took charge.
Like most languages C has changed a good deal over the years. More new editions have been named after the last two digits of the year that they came out.That is why C 99[1999] preceeded C11[2011]. One new improvement was compatibility-C11 is more compatible with C++.
- As a middle level languguage c combines the features of both high level and low level languages. It can be utilized for low level programming for example, scripting for drivers and kernal and its also supports functions of high level language for example, scripting for software applications and so on.
- C is a structured programming language which allows a complicated program to be broken into simpler program called functions & allows free movement of data across these functions.
- C is a case sensitive programming language.
- C is highly portable and is utilized for scripting system applications which form a major portion of Windows, Linux, and Unix operating system.
- C is a general purpose programming language and can efficiently work on enterprise applications graphics, games and applications requiring calculations.
- C language has a rich library (string.h,math.h)which provides a number of built in functions. It also offers dynamic memory allocation.
Despite the prevalence of higher level language, c continue to empower the world. The following are some of the systems that are utilized by millions and are programmed in the C programming language.
1.Microsoft windows
Microsoft Windows kernel is developed mostly in C programming language, with a few parts in assembly language. For decades the world’s most utilized operating system with about 90% of the market share has been powered by a kernel written in c programming language.
Linux is also written mostly in C programming language with a few parts in assembly. About 97% of the world’s 500 most powerful supercomputers run the kernel. It is also in many personal computers.
Mac computers also powered by C programming language since the OS X kernel is written mostly in C programming. Each program and driver in a Mac, as in Windows and Linux PCs,is running on a powered kernel.
The world’s most exoteric database, including Oracle database, MYSQL,MS SQL Server, and PostgreSQL, are coded in C programming language(the first three of them really both in C and C++).Database are utilized in all kind of system financial, health, media, education, telecommunications, government, entertainment, retail, social networks, web and the Like
6. 3D Movies
3D movies are created with applications that are usually written in C and C++. Those applications need to be very efficiently and quick, since they handle a huge amount of data and do many calculations every second.
The more efficient they are, the little time for the artists and animators to create the films shots, and the more money the organization saves.