Using Graphics, we can draw geometric figures like circles, lines, ellipses, bars, etc.
In this, we set the coordinates like leftt,top, right,bottomm.Graphics.h library is used for graphics (initgraph method).
C program to draw shapes using graphics
int gdd = DETECT,gmm,leftt=100,topp=100,rightt=200,bottomm=200,xx= 300,yy=150,radiuss=50;
initgraph(&gdd, &gmm, “C:\\TC\\BGI”);//initialization of graphics
rectangle(leftt, topp, rightt, bottomm);
circle(xx, yy, radiuss);//xx is vertical axis, yy is horizontal axis
bar(leftt + 300, topp, rightt + 300, bottomm);
line(leftt – 10, topp + 150, leftt + 410, topp + 150);
ellipse(xx, yy + 200, 0, 360, 100, 50);//draw ellipse
outtextxy(leftt + 100, topp + 325, ” C Graphics Program (rectangle ,circle, bar, line, ellipse )”);
closegraph();//closes the graphics
return 0;